Terms and Conditions
Welcome to Johan Ku Shop (“JKS”) managed by Johan Ku Design Ltd. UK. (“JKDL”). All of our services are subject to JKS Terms & Conditions and other notices. Please read and agree about the Terms & Conditions before shopping in Johan Ku Online Shop (“JKS”).It will be considered as fully agree on our Terms & Conditions when costumers start shopping in JKS.
歡迎使用Johan Ku購物網站,Johan Ku購物網站是由Johan Ku Design Ltd.(以下簡稱我司)所經營之電子商務網站,並依據Johan Ku購物網站使用條款及其他相關規範或公告提供您相關服務。請在第一次購物前仔細閱讀並同意Johan Ku購物網站使用條款,再進行填寫基本資料及購物流程。您進行購物流程後,表示您已閱讀、了解並同意接受Johan Ku購物網站使用條款之全部內容與約定,如不同意Johan Ku購物網站使用條款者,請勿使用Johan Ku購物網站相關服務。
JKDL reserve all rights to amend JKS service conditions without notice. The new updates of Terms & Conditions can e found in JKS homepage. As long as you shop with amended or changed conditions, we will consider that our costumer had already read, understood, and agreed on any changes. For protecting our costumer’s rights, please read carefully before shopping. If you do not agree on our Terms & Conditions, please stop using JKS.
本公司有權調整Johan Ku購物網站使用條款,Johan Ku購物網站使用條款之最新內容,本公司將不會個別通知,用戶可在Johan Ku購物網站首頁連結。用戶於任何修改或變更之後使用Johan Ku購物網站購物,將視為已經閱讀、了解且同意接受相關修改及變更,請於進行購物前詳細閱讀、了解以維護您的權益。如您不同意Johan Ku購物網站使用條款之修改或變更,請停止使用Johan Ku購物網站相關服務
l Accounts and Passwords / 帳號密碼
Costumer must warrant that all of the general information is correct and complete. JKS has the right to suspend or cancel costumer’s account if costumer transgressed the conditions of JKS.
If the shopping account has been hacked, please contact us immediately, we will do our best to suspend every transaction of your account for loss prevention.
您保證在本網站填寫的資訊為您正確且完整的資料,不得使用他人資料,如資料有誤或違反條款,本公司有權暫停或終止您的帳號,並拒絕您使用Johan Ku購物網站的服務。若您的帳號被冒用、盜用等情形,請立即通知本公司,避免損害擴大,本公司將協助暫停該帳號相關交易及其他功能。
l 15% Processing Fee / 15%處理費
There will be no additional costs to any product, which the prices show on JKS has already include 15% of processing fee. The 15% processing fee will not be refund in the product returning process. Please read Returns & Exchanges policy for details.
Johan Ku購物網站內所有商品價格皆已內含15%處理費,15%處理費包含運費及其他費用,購買時不需要額外增加其他費用;若購買商品後7日內(含例假日)欲退貨,退款部分則不包含15%處理費,詳細規定請參閱退換貨說明。
l Intellectual Property Rights / 智慧財產權
All contents of JKS, such as product photos, website design, computer programming, trademark, icons, and information, are the property of JKDL or related suppliers and protected by intellectual property rights. Under protection of Copyright Act, Trademark Act, Trade Secret Act, and Fair Trade Act, all contents cannot be use without permissions of JKDL or related suppliers. JKDL and related suppliers reserved all rights to retrospect tortious acts.
Johan Ku購物網站所有內容,包括商品照片、網站架構、程式設計、商標、其他標示或資訊等,均屬我司或相關權利人依法擁有之智慧財產權,受著作權法、商標法、營業秘密法及公平交易法之保護,非經我司或權利人事先許可或授權,不得任意使用,以免涉侵權或違法之責任。
Disclaimer of Liability / 免責聲明
l JKS users must accept risks of using this website. Users are based on personal willingness to use JKS services, also agree on acceptance of risks, the risks include download or get information or photos from JKS. If these actions caused any information loss, JKS will not be liable for any damages. Also, JKS does not make commitment for reliability, safety, validity, and persistency of JKS. All risks are undertaking by JKS users.
l JKS will not be liable for truthfulness and completeness of the information provided by users, such as objects or personal information, upload photos, etc.
l JKS will not be liable for Any incidental damages caused by viruses or other harmful components including information crash, loss, stolen, or falsified.
l User’s personal actions including spread fake or illegal information, tortious act, act of swindle are belonging to user personal responsibility. JKS does not response to any disputes provoked.
用戶使用本網站服務之風險會由用戶個人承擔。用戶同意使用Johan Ku購物網站各項服務是基於用戶個人意願,並同意負擔任何風險,包括因為自Johan Ku購物網站下載資料或圖片,或自Johan Ku購物網站獲得資料導致發生任何資源流失等結果,Johan Ku購物網站各項服務不附任何擔保責任,Johan Ku購物網站不保證各項服務之穩定、安全、無誤及不中斷;用戶需自行承擔使用本服務之所有風險
l 用戶在Johan Ku購物網站填寫之物件資訊、個人資料、上傳圖片等行為,本公司對其內容之真實性或完整性不負有任何責任。
l 任何由於電腦病毒侵入或發作等影響網路正常經營之不可抗力而造成的資料毀損、丟失、被盜用或被竄改等與Johan Ku購物網站無關。
l 對於用戶透過Johan Ku購物網站刊登或發佈虛假、違法資訊、侵害他人權益及欺騙、敲詐行為者,純屬用戶個人行為,Johan Ku購物網站對因此而產生的一切糾紛不負任何責任。
Delivery / 商品寄送
Customs / 關稅
All custom fees must be paid by customers. Customs is subject to the customs policies of customer’s country. Please checkout the customs policy of the delivering country before purchasing.
Shipping / 遞送時間
The goods will be shipped within seven days after the payment is complete. During the transmission, there will be tracking number to our customer. Pre-order goods, custom-made items and out of stock products will be the exceptions for seven-day delivery. We will notify the delivery time for different situations.
Returns and Exchanges / 退換貨說明
01.Please check the goods within seven days after receiving the parcel. If any defective problem or wrong item had been sent, please log in to JKS account and write down the situation on Q&A page, or E-mail to our customer service’s mail box, we will deal with the problem as soon as possible.
02. Pre-order Items, discounted items or custom-made items are non-returnable and non-refundable once you have place an order. Defective Items are exceptions for this situation.
03. Except for pre-order items and custom-made items, general JKS items can be returned within seven days after receiving the parcel (including holidays) with a totally new condition. Please note the “totally new condition” means did not worn, wash, stained with smiles such as perfume, cigarette or colour…etc. The returned item will be judged by us whether it is totally new or not.
03.在本公司購買非訂做及非預購的商品,我們提供顧客簽收包裹隔日算起7日 (含例假日)新品可退貨的服務。請注意新品的定義為商品未經過使用、下水與沾染香水、菸味與汙漬,是否為新品將由我司判定。
04. The order can be canceled within the status of” Unfulfilled ”. After canceling the order, we will deduct 15% processing fee from the total payment and refund the rest to costumer. The order can not be canceled within the status of “fulfilled”. Please ship back the product within seven days after receiving it. (Including holidays)
04.如欲取消包裹,請於包裹未寄出前且訂單狀態為「Unfulfilled(尚未出貨)」請通知我們取消,本公司會在收到取消通知後,扣除商品金額15%處理費,將其餘費用退還給顧客。若訂單狀態為「fulfilled(已出貨)」便無法進行取消,請於包裹簽收7日 (含例假日)內進行退貨。
05. For any reason you want to return your purchase, please ship back your item within seven days’ count from the day you have received the parcel. For example, items delivered on the 1st of January need to be shipped before the 7th of January. We will provide address for returning. Please ensure both delivery addresses and information is correct. We advised our costumer to deliver the parcel with express which provides tracking number. We are unable to refund any of your payments if the returned items did not arrive to JKS.
05.簽收包裹後當日算起7日 (含例假日)可提供退貨,本公司將提供地址供顧客寄回退貨商品,寄出時請確保地址等寄送資訊正確且完整,並建議使用有追蹤編號的快遞公司寄送,若退貨商品未抵達本公司,本公司將無法進行退貨作業。
6. The shipping cost and custom of returning goods will be paid by customer. Items must be completely new with undamaged packing and attachments. Including plastic bag, rope, hang tag, label, care label, carton, invoice and etc. JKS will check the returning parcel receiving from costumer. When goods meet the conditions above, JKS will refund 85% of the total payment, which 15% of processing fee will not be refund. When goods do not meet the conditions above, we will be requiring additional shipping fee and sending back the goods to consumer.
06.退貨時,商品寄回本公司的運費與關稅由顧客負擔。退回商品需包裝完好無損和附件齊全,且不影響二次銷售之全新商品;若商品有附塑膠袋、吊繩、吊牌、衣標、洗標、紙盒等包裝或附件需保持完整無任何毀損,並與全新商品一同寄回。本公司收到商品並確認符合以上退 貨條件後,將扣除15%處理費,其餘金額在14個工作天內進行退款動作。若退貨商品不符合上述退貨條件,顧客需於14天內支付額外的運費由本公司寄回退貨商品,超過14天而未取回的退貨商品本公司將自行處置,不負保管之責。
Privacy Policy / 隱私權保護政策
l User Privacy Notice / 使用者隱私權保護聲明
Johan Ku Design Ltd. (“JKDL”) asking solemnly for your attention by this Privacy Policy: Please do not disclose personal information on the Internet. User information will be possible to use by others. Especially public occasion on the Internet, such as chat rooms or message broads, Users should be more careful to reveal user’s real identity, passwords, email address or any personal information.
Johan Ku Design Ltd .(以下簡稱我司)針對消費者與個人資料之蒐集和運用,依本隱私權保護聲明,並鄭重提醒您:請勿在網路上公開透露您個人資料,因該資料有可能會被他人蒐集和使用,特別是在網路上公開的發言場合,如聊天室、留言版,更應避免發表個人身份、密碼或電子郵件等相關個人資料。
l Use of your personal information / 個人資料蒐集及使用
01. JKS will not take the initiative in asking users to input personal data when browsing related websites of JKS.
01.當您瀏覽Johan Ku相關網站時,不會主動要求輸入個人資料。
02. JKS will ask costumers to register and log in to personal account to complete the payment during shopping in JKS.
02.當您進行購物流程時,Johan Ku購物網站會要求您登錄個人資料,以便完成交易與相關服務。
03. Please register for JKS member in order to subscribe to JKS’ ePaper. For canceling subscription, please log in to JKS personal account to cancel the subscription.
03.訂閱電子報須先註冊會員,會員想取消訂閱,可至Johan Ku購物網站登入會員帳戶後勾選取消訂閱。
04. Under the legal status, user’s information will only be use in JKDL or related websites as the condition above.
05. Under the legal status, JKDL will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your permission.
l User information / 使用者資料
01. Please register for JKS’ member for further services provided by JKS.
02. During the registration process, please input user’s email address as an account and password. The confirmation will be sent to user’s Email, follow the step to complete the registration.
03. In order to protect user’s JKS account, please be sure to keep the password confidential. Please log off the user account after use.
04. JKS members should keep personal information and password confidential. Do not disclose your personal information and password to others. Please logoff your account after using JKS services. If you use shared or public computers, please remember to close web browsers.
l Amendment of Privacy Policy / 隱私權保護政策之修訂
01. Johan Ku have the right to amend our policy, and will not inform our members individually for any emendation. Please check out our website regularly.
02.Please contact with JKDL directly for any further information.